Category: Planet

11 Environmental Films You May Not Know

11 Environmental Films You May Not Know environmental

As our livable environment is changing fast and drastically, and the discussion over human impact on climate change vs natural occurring cycles is still not settled in the minds of some part of our society, I’m inviting you to take a closer look at these 11 not widely known environmental documentaries that I have selected […]

Going Green at Home

Going Green at Home going green

Our Carbon Footprint – How Green Are Our Homes?Going Green at home without spending extra money is easier than you think. One person or one family can make a huge difference with small steps! Find out how you can go green at home and reduce your carbon footprint without the need for expensive gadgets or huge […]

Comfortably Unaware

Comfortably Unaware comfortably unaware

With his book Comfortably Unaware and his many speaking engagements, Dr. Richard Oppenlander addresses a fact that should be widely known but is often conveniently pushed aside: that our current choices of animal foods are causing widespread global depletion – the loss of our land, water, air/atmosphere, food supply, biodiversity, energy resources, and our own health.In a […]