Our Top 10 Nutrition and Wellness Book Recommendations

top 10 nutrition
Discover our favorite timeless references that everyone interested in healing with nutrition and the power of the mind should read! 
As the saying goes, knowledge is power, but only when it’s applied in a suitable manner! In a time when new health scares and unknown impacts of new technologies are all around us, it is ever more important to empower ourselves with the best self-care remedies that don’t make us sicker in the long run. Therefore, seek out qualified practitioners who are considering the holistic ad connected aspects of human body and mind in their approach!
While much useful information is available online, there is also much noise and alarming misinformation of half wisdom and regurgitated majority opinion on the almighty internet. The key is to always cross-check information on at least two independent channels, which are neither politically nor economically motivated to favor a specific approach.
I am also a strong proponent for merit and practical experience over mere degrees and theoretical credentials, so I’m eager to see how many real-life cases have benefited from the natural remedies available today!
That’s why below I'm introducing you to my top favorite 10 paper/audio books with proven nutrition & wellness education!
Some have stood the test of time and have become alternative standard of care references, while others address the newer threats of our time.
Read on below and find your own new favorite go-to resources! Almost all of the books are available in paper and audio format.
Our Top 10 Nutrition Education Books
Many a book was written on the merits of a whole foods diet, but there are those that I consider timeless references that everyone interested in healing with nutrition should have in their repertoire:
1.      The China Study – T. Colin Campbell, PhD
The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-Term Health 
2.      How Not to Die – Michael Greger, MD
Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease 
3.      Breaking The Food Seduction – Neal Barnard, MD
Cure Your Food Cravings Once and For All; Featuring a 3-week kickstart plan and 100 delicious, satisfying recipes
4.      Eat to Live – Joel Fuhrman, MD
The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Revised Edition
5.      The Living Foods Lifestyle – Brenda Cobb
Inspiring stories and reviews of the causes of disease, discussing the many ways toxicity and deficiency have found their way into the modern lifestyle
6.      Power Foods for the Brain – Neal Barnard, MD
An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory
7.      Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease – Caldwell Esselstyn, MD
The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure
8.      There is a Cure for Diabetes – Gabriel Cousens, MD
Conventional wisdom calls diabetes incurable, but renowned Dr. Gabriel Cousens counters that claim with this breakthrough book
9.      Eat For Health – Joel Fuhrman, MD
Lose Weight, Keep It Off, Look Younger, Live Longer
10.  How Not to Diet – Michael Greger, MD
The Groundbreaking Science of Healthy, Permanent Weight Loss
Our Top 10 Books On Healing with the Power of Your Mind
Being aware that ill health starts in our mental and emotional body long before it manifests physically in form of disease, I highly recommend reading or listening to the following exceptional books, which will give you a greater understanding how the astounding human system works and how everything is connected in ways we can barely imagine!
These reads that will open your eyes to the endless possibilities of mind over matter:
1.      The Biology of Belief – Bruce Lipton, PhD
Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles
2.      The Spontaneous Healing of Belief – Gregg Braden
Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits
3.      The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Joseph Murphy, PhD
Classic self-help book by Dr. Murphy to harness the immense power of your subconscious minds to positively influence your life
4.      You Are the Placebo – Joe Dispenza, MD
“Making your mind matter”. Is it possible to heal by thought alone—without drugs or surgery? The truth is that it happens more often than you might expect
5.      E-squared - Pam Grout
Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
6.      The Power of Intention – Wayne Dyer, PhD
This is the first book to look at intention as a field of energy that you can access to begin co-creating your life with the power of intention
7.      Becoming Supernatural – Joe Dispenza, MD
How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon
8.      Love, Medicine and Miracles – Bernie Siegel, MD
Lessons Learned about Self-Healing from a Surgeon's Experience with Exceptional Patients
9.      Resilience From the Heart – Gregg Braden
The Power to Thrive in Life's Extremes. Visionary Gregg Braden merges his expertise in leading-edge science with present-day realities to reveal the strategy for embracing stressful change in our lives
10.  Mind over Medicine – Lissa Rankin, MD
Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself
I sincerely hope that you will find as many answers and inspirations in these resources as I did!
Ina Mohan
Avid reader and founder of Health, Healing & Happiness LLC